There Are Two Kinds Of People by John Hagee

There are those who are bowing to hedonism…and materialism…and secular humanism…and to the New Age… and eastern philosophies…and to occultism…and to Satanism.

There Are Two Kinds Of People by John Hagee
Revelation 21:8—But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake, which burneth with fire and brimstone:  which is the second death.

There Are Two Kinds Of People—Those Who Are Bowing On Their Faces To The Gods Of This World, And Those Who Are Standing Ramrod Straight In Honor Of The God Of Abraham, Isaac And Jacob!

There are those who are bowing to hedonism…and materialism…and secular humanism…and to the New Age… and eastern philosophies…and to occultism…and to Satanism.  And there are those who are standing ramrod straight in the streets of San Antonio, and in Los Angeles and in New York City, because you believe that there is a God who is allpowerful.  He is not a God of wood or stone…not a god of crystal…not a god that’s in a tree.  He is the Living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and he is the only God.

Where are you in this picture?  Standing or bowing?  Saved or lost?  Wheat or tares?  Sheep or goats?  Are you a child of God—or a cowardly compromiser bowing on your face, trying to be politically correct and run with the herd?  The Bible says you cannot serve two masters.   Better to be on your feet for Christ than bowing with the politically correct crowd.

Your life is not limited by where you are; your life is only limited by what you are.  A high position does not make a great man.  A pygmy on the top of Mt. Everest is still a pygmy.  St. Paul in prison is a greater man than Nero on the throne.

Are you bowing with the moral cowards to the golden images of this world, or standing ramrod straight for the Lord?

Source:  Twelve Sunday Morning Part 3

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Arinola O. Yinka

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