Reaping the Fruits of Consecration (Colossians 1:10)

Friends, it is essential that we begin to separate ourselves from every source that will hinder our receipt, and enjoyment, of all of which God has for us. And today’s reading reminds us of God’s desire for us to devote ourselves to, and for, Him – God is calling us out of the world so as to show the world the way.

Reaping the Fruits of Consecration (Colossians 1:10)
Separation Unto The Lord

TEXT: “And I heard another voice from heaven saying “come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.”” Revelation 18:4 (NKJV)

Friends, it is essential that we begin to separate ourselves from every source that will hinder our receipt, and enjoyment, of all of which God has for us. And today’s reading reminds us of God’s desire for us to devote ourselves to, and for, Him – God is calling us out of the world so as to show the world the way.

As our month of consecration is winding out, I pray that we understand that if we are not separated for God’s purpose, then we will soon carry out the devil’s purpose, knowingly or not. You see the Greek word “hagiazo” means separated for a purpose. Remember Abraham? He could not receive God’s entire blessing, i.e. God’s purpose for blessing him, as long as Lot was still with him.

A rich and fulfilling life can only exist if we do not allow ourselves to be carried away by the thinking pattern of the world. We need to be seen as different to the world, not one of the pack.
That is the mark of the beast on the head and in the hand.

Be separated friends, this is what God asks of us.

LEARN and APPLY: The righteous must be separated from the unrighteous in their ways and speech.

Pray: Lord, help me to be distinct for you in my walk and work in the world, in Jesus’ name. Amen

1. I consecrate my life to glorify my Father by obeying the principles of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Click to tweet this!

2. My treasures are not my own, but belong to my heavenly Father. I shall use them as directed by the wisdom of God. (Click to tweet)

3. I shall not cease to cry to God and implore Him to deliver mankind from the effects of sin. (Click to tweet)

4. I shall live my life in meekness. I shall bless all and do good to enemies in return for evil. (Click to tweet)

5. I shall not let myself be bribed or coerced into any unrighteous action for earthly consideration. (Click to Tweet)

6. By God’s grace I will always be merciful, forgiving those who have transgressed against me. Click to tweet

7. I shall regard my procreative organs sacred and holy and never use them for any purpose other than what God created them for. Click to Tweet

8. I shall be careful not to cause the opposite sex undue pain by playing on their affections. (Click to Tweet)

9. I will always strive to be a peacemaker. First, by being peaceful myself and avoiding all unfruitful contentions. (Click to Tweet)

10. I shall not become discouraged when I am persecuted on account of the righteousness. (Click to Tweet)

These declarations are adapted from the Beatitudes.

Family Declaration:
1. We LA family shall flourish like a palm tree, we shall grow like cedars in Lebanon.
2. We who are planted in the house of the Lord shall continue to flourish in the courts of our God.
3. We shall still bear fruits in old age. We shall be fresh and flourishing (Psalm 92:12-14)

Written by Isaacola AA 

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Arinola O. Yinka

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