Your stone may be a need to complete your college education or obtain some other type of technical or professional certification. It may be a drastic change in your diet or you may need to go on a solemn fast. You may be required to sever certain friendships or associations or establish new ones.
The Holy Spirit may be leading you to pack your bags and move to a new city, country or church. Your stone may be your job. You may need to start a business or switch careers, companies or positions…
I don’t know what you stone is, but I do know this; until you obey the voice of the Holy Spirit and roll away that stone, you will be trapped in a cave! When they obeyed the command to roll away that stone, it was no easy task.
You can rest assured they were gritting their teeth and grunting as they pushed that seemingly unmovable mass of bedrock as hard as they could. Your stone won’t be any easier to move, but when you push it with every fiber of your being, it will roll away. It will become a thing of the past! (See Mark 11:23 and Zechariah 4:6-9 and keep pushing!)
The Holy Spirit may be leading you to pack your bags and move to a new city, country or church. Your stone may be your job. You may need to start a business or switch careers, companies or positions…
I don’t know what you stone is, but I do know this; until you obey the voice of the Holy Spirit and roll away that stone, you will be trapped in a cave! When they obeyed the command to roll away that stone, it was no easy task.
You can rest assured they were gritting their teeth and grunting as they pushed that seemingly unmovable mass of bedrock as hard as they could. Your stone won’t be any easier to move, but when you push it with every fiber of your being, it will roll away. It will become a thing of the past! (See Mark 11:23 and Zechariah 4:6-9 and keep pushing!)
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