Keep God's Temple in Good Shape - by Joyce Meyer

Until I turned sixty-four, I’d never exercised consistently or took it seriously. I had walked and done a few things to stay in decent shape, but I was not dedicated to exercise.

Keep God's Temple in Good Shape - by Joyce Meyer
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

— Joshua 1:9

Until I turned sixty-four, I’d never exercised consistently or took it seriously. I had walked and done a few things to stay in decent shape, but I was not dedicated to exercise. I had reached into my excuse bag many times over the years and come up with all kinds of “reasons” I could not exercise. But the Lord spoke to my heart, encouraging me to begin a serious workout program so I could be strong for the last third of my journey through life.

I already had good eating habits, and when I obeyed the Lord and started going to the gym several times a week, I stepped into a new season of life. I looked better, felt better, and most importantly, I was honoring God by taking good care of the body He gave me.

If you have room for improvement in this area, pray and ask God what you should do to start living a healthier lifestyle. The Word says that our bodies are temples of God. And I want to make sure that God likes His temple! Today, make the choice to keep your temple in excellent shape for God.

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Arinola O. Yinka

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