Stepping Into Your Increase

Whatever peg is limiting you, you will break through it in Jesus’ name! God will deliver your breakthrough into your life! Expansion. Everything keeping and limiting you from increasing on all sides is destroyed today in Jesus’ name! You will expand!

Stepping Into Your Increase
Psalm 71 vs 21 says “Increase thou my greatness, and turn again and comfort me.”

The keywords in this text are “increase”, “greatness” and “comfort”.

To INCREASE means to:

Breakthrough/Force through. Breaking forth is coming out of the cocoon that is holding us in; out of the cage that is enclosing and restricting us.

Darkness does not need an invitation to come into your life; same way, if you do not have a higher power, the devil can send decrease into your life, but when God increases you, you’ll break and force through.

Everything, from the day you were conceived till date, that has been packaged together for your downfall, just as the Prince of Persia was removed, that yoke is broken in Jesus’ name!

Whatever peg is limiting you, you will break through it in Jesus’ name! God will deliver your breakthrough into your life!

Expansion. Everything keeping and limiting you from increasing on all sides is destroyed today in Jesus’ name! You will expand!

Multiplication. Addition is different multiplication. As from today, whatever you do with your hands will multiply in Jesus’ name!

Enlargement. To enlarge is to be fruitful. Before this year is over, God will make room for you, He will enlarge you in Jesus’ name!

When you increase, it means you are bigger in quantity, strength and number; it means you are waxing stronger. God created everything with the capacity to grow; therefore, we are not expected to be on the same spot – we must produce! Prov. 4: 18; Matt. 25: 27.

God is in the business of increasing His people – Psa. 35: 27; III John 2; John 10: 10b. He didn’t create us for us to be stagnant, He created us to multiply, increase and be in abundance; He doesn’t plan for us to be “few”. When God increases us, He steps us up; our past will not be more than the present. Our present year must be better than the last.

The first two letters in the word “GOD” spell “GO”; if you are related in any way to God, you will increase continually.

The first three letters in the word “SATAN” spell “SAT”. Everything that stagnates you is of the devil.

Increase does not happen without pressure; life doesn’t not give us what we wish or ask for, it gives us what we lay demand on! Jacob forcefully made the angel bless him; he held on to the angel, even after he sustained injury. Many falter and step down when they’ve sustained casualty along the way; but the only way to increase involves being persistent and forceful even if some sort of casualty will happen along the way – that way, nothing can stop our increase!

Anything holding you down, that yoke over your life, keeping you in one position is destroyed in Jesus’ name!

If you make up your mind that you are going to the other side, no Red Sea or River Jordan can stop you; even the storm could not stop Jesus and His disciples.

Every storm in your way of increase, I command it to be calm in Jesus’ name!

Whatever mountain standing between you and your increase, it has ears – speak to it what you want it to do, in the name of Jesus. If you shut your mouth, you will shut your destiny up. God commanded Joshua and his men to step into the River Jordan with their ark, and the overflowing river parted for them. Every large body of water standing in your way of increase, I command it to back up and part for you as you step in, in Jesus’ name!

Pharaoh and his army thought there was no way for the Israelites; they were behind and the Red Sea was ahead, but God was going to make a way for them. The rod in Moses’ hand was the WORD; the word of your mouth is enough to call on signs and wonders for your life! By yourself, you can command increase and breakthrough into your career, business, finance, marriage and other areas of your life. Your word is your rod!

Just like the Red Sea swallowed the Egyptians, the road God opened for you to go through freely will consume your enemies in Jesus’ name!

It is never too late for God to increase and help you fulfil your destiny. Moses did not step into the purpose of his life until he was 80 years old; he was born to be the deliverer of the Israelites from captivity. The first 80 years of his life were preparation for the rest of the last 40 years of his life, to lead the people.

For all you are going through, it might be God’s way of preparing you. Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible during his “formative” years; he spent those years listening and speaking with God. One would have thought he had missed his destiny, but with God it is never late! Your years of waiting are never wasted.

God changed Abraham’s name when he was 99 years old in Gen. 17, and his wife’s. In vs. 16 of that chapter, Abraham did not believe that God would still give him a son through Sarah; he just asked God to bless Ishmael; in chapter 18 vs. 12, Sarah too did not believe they were capable of bearing a child, due to their old age. They thought their child-bearing years had passed. But with God, nothing has passed!

In Heb. 11: 12, we read that God blessed them with Isaac, and made Abraham the father of many nations. From him came so many people like the stars in the sky and sands on the seashore! Someone considered as good as dead!

In whatever situation that people have said is dead and gone, God will surprise you in Jesus’ name!

If Abraham can be blessed with a son when he was 100 years old and be increased greatly, nothing is too late for you; God will increase your greatness!

GREATNESS is something unusually large in size and dimension; it is abundance, more than you are prepared for; bigness; vastness; hugeness. When God says He will make you great, expect something enormous.

God promised Abraham that He will make him as numerous as the sands at the seashore; at that point, Abraham and Sarah were without child. God promised one man alone; then God took that one man, fulfilled His promise to him, blessed and increased him (Isa. 51: 2), and made him the father of many nations. When God decides to make you great, nobody on the surface will be able to count your blessings, just as Abraham’s offspring became innumerable (Heb. 11: 12).

The God we serve is the One that can repeat Himself, if He has done it for one before, He can do it again for you! It does not matter how dead your “deadness” is, God can make something come out of you! He can make you great!

Every contrary prophecy spoken over your life, today they are nullified in Jesus’ name!

Every contrary voice speaking against your life, today, they are silenced in Jesus’ name!

Before Samson finally died, he made a difference; Moses at 80 years old started to fulfil his destiny and died at the age of 120; your age, height, complexion, educational qualification, manner of speech is no barrier when God decides to increase your greatness. God is not going to call you or make you great by what you are going or have gone through, but by what He is seeing and has planned for you!

COMFORT is good-feeling, cheerfulness, enjoyment. The opposite of comfort is sorrow, when God comforts you; He blesses you without adding sorrow.

Comfort also means pleasure, peacefulness, and a good well-being.

When increase joins with greatness and comfort, you become a wonder; all that happens around you will wow your friends and family.

This month, your destiny will not be aborted; nothing will cut your life short in Jesus’ name!

Sickness will not ravage your body in Jesus’ name!

Untimely death that kills people will not come near your household in Jesus’ name! Sorrow will not knock on your door.

You will build and you will live in it, no one will take your place in Jesus’ name!

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Arinola O. Yinka

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