Be A Fish, Not A Beaver by Tammy Lang Jensen

Have you gotten comfortable in your home where there is no water flowing. Things are stagnant and others have been kept out.

Be A Fish, Not A Beaver by Tammy Lang Jensen
The Lord showed me a beaver this morning and said,”Be a fish, not a beaver.” He then showed me a beaver busy building a dam. 

Beavers build dams to create a pond of deep, quiet water, where they can build their home or lodge.

The dam slows down the flow of the river, so that the beavers home does not wash away. He reached down from on high and took hold of me, he drew me out of deep waters (2 Samuel 22:17). Have you gotten comfortable in your home where there is no water flowing. Things are stagnant and others have been kept out.

The Lord said,”Be a fish, and a fisher of men.” Fish are free to move about in the river, going from one place to another; going with the flow so to speak. A lot of fish however will swim against the flow even when not migrating. They do this and wait for little insects, worms, and other food to float by on the current. It is an easy way for them to catch food without having to swim around and chase it. If you are in place, the provision will come to you. Just as if you are at the Brook, the ravens will feed you.

And because the river is free flowing, you can move around and share with others in your stream. Whoever believes in me as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow out of their belly (John 7:38). The spirit and the bride say,”Come!” And let the one who hears say,”Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life (Revelation 22:17). Freely you have received, now go out and freely give.

Are the ones who are thirsty seeking you out, have you made yourself available? Are you easily accessible in a river that flows freely? Do you have strong working hands and a loving embrace. If the broken are thirsty, do you have a drink to give? A word in due season can soften the most jaded heart....

Let all that thirst, come and drink. And let all who are weary, come and rest. I am raising up Cedars of Lebanon and righteousness. I am raising up giant oak trees with branches for shade, and deep roots for stability. I am anointing palm trees that will bend in every storm, but never break. And finally, I am planting Cypress trees by the river that have roots that go on forever, so when the sun comes, there leaf will not wither. And when the water rises, they will not be uprooted. He will be like a tree planted by the waters that sends out its roots toward the stream.

It does not fear when the heat comes, and its leaves are always green. It will never worry in a year of drought or cease to produce fruit (Jeremiah 17:8). This scripture is so rich, are you fearful in your year of drought? Or are you willing to say like Jesus,”Not my will, your will be done.” Are you going on and producing fruit, even in your lack.

If your earthly father gives you good gifts, how much more will your heavenly father give you. If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly father give good gifts to those who ask him (Matthew 7:11). I hear the Father say, “You have not, because you ask not!” Time to start praying about your needs and the needs of others. Make war for the prophecy spoken over your life. And be a fish and stay in the flow. Give to all who are thirsty, and it will be given to you. For with the same measure you use, it will be measured to you....

So have you become so anointed and remained in the deep so long, that you lost sight of those on the shoreline. Again I hear the Lord say,”Be a fish, not a beaver stuck in the deep.” A fish swims as well in the shallow end as they do in the deep. So swim back to the shallow end occasionally. Grab the hand of one on the shoreline and show them the way to the deep.

As deep calls unto deep, so a mature Saint can show a babe the way. It is time to share what you have been given, and help others find their way. If not you, then who; don’t leave the broken standing on the shoreline. Once you were lost, and now you are found. Were blind, and now you see. Where unable to swim, and someone showed you how. Go teach someone to swim today....

Tammy Lang Jensen

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