Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land.
We Must Not Only Preach Truth, We Must Practice It!
Part One—
We have abandoned the truth in my lifetime.
In the span of a few decades we quit believing that truth can be known. As a result our society, and much of the church of Jesus Christ, is mired in a swamp of moral relativism and secular humanism.
The world in which I was raised not only believed in absolute truth; people actually knew right from wrong. There was an objective standard against which behavior was measured.
That standard was God’s word. Even nonChristians understood that scripture was the basis of morality and law. We still make reference to JudeoChristian values, but the vast majority of Americans have set aside those values as outdated and outworn.
Today there is “no truth In the land.”
Over two thirds of all Americans believe there is not such thing as absolute truth. Even more surprising is that only 9% of those who call themselves “bornagain Christians” believe in absolute moral truths! Barna Survey 2008.
This is astonishing! 90% of those surveyed, who claim to believe the Bible is true, turn right around and say that truth is relative and that what is right and wrong depends on the situation!
Of those who profess to believe in absolute truth, the majority still do not act in a manner consistent with that belief.
Too many Christians have an incorrect view of the truth on which their faith rests. You see, it’s not correct just to believe that Christianity is true. Christianity is not just true; it rests on the ultimate truth.
Source: Turn on the Light
We Must Not Only Preach Truth, We Must Practice It!
Part One—
We have abandoned the truth in my lifetime.
In the span of a few decades we quit believing that truth can be known. As a result our society, and much of the church of Jesus Christ, is mired in a swamp of moral relativism and secular humanism.
The world in which I was raised not only believed in absolute truth; people actually knew right from wrong. There was an objective standard against which behavior was measured.
That standard was God’s word. Even nonChristians understood that scripture was the basis of morality and law. We still make reference to JudeoChristian values, but the vast majority of Americans have set aside those values as outdated and outworn.
Today there is “no truth In the land.”
Over two thirds of all Americans believe there is not such thing as absolute truth. Even more surprising is that only 9% of those who call themselves “bornagain Christians” believe in absolute moral truths! Barna Survey 2008.
This is astonishing! 90% of those surveyed, who claim to believe the Bible is true, turn right around and say that truth is relative and that what is right and wrong depends on the situation!
Of those who profess to believe in absolute truth, the majority still do not act in a manner consistent with that belief.
Too many Christians have an incorrect view of the truth on which their faith rests. You see, it’s not correct just to believe that Christianity is true. Christianity is not just true; it rests on the ultimate truth.
Source: Turn on the Light
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