Looking Forward by Joyce Meyer

There are a lot of unhappy people who are spending their lives chasing things, when nothing can keep us satisfied except God Himself.

But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth].

— James 1:22 (AMP)

The presence of the Lord is always with us, but we do not always recognize it or take time to be conscious of it. I think this is why there seems to be a lack of joy in the lives of many believers. There are a lot of unhappy people who are spending their lives chasing things, when nothing can keep us satisfied except God Himself.

When people are not satisfied inwardly, they usually look for some outward object to satisfy their hunger. Often they end up in a fruitless search for that which cannot fill the emptiness within. We’ve heard it said, many people spend their lives climbing the ladder of success, only to find when they reach the top that their ladder is leaning against the wrong building.

When we keep our priorities straight, we discover that everything we really need in life is found in the Lord. Seek to dwell in His presence. In Him is the path of life, the fullness of joy, and pleasures forevermore.

The reason we can laugh and enjoy life in spite of our current circumstances is because Jesus is our joy.

Prayer Starter: Father, You are everything I need. Help me to keep the proper perspective and look to You as my source of joy instead of the things in this world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Arinola O. Yinka

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