Faith and Work by Pastor Mark Jensen

Faith that keeps us moving forward when we are weary,

Faith and Work by Pastor Mark Jensen
What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? (James 2:14)

Each and every morning we wake up and thank our Father in Heaven for the blessings of a new day, knowing that the number of our days are already planned according to His purpose for our lives, so then we know that when we arise to a new day, we still have a purpose. We also have to know that it is our Faith that keeps us believing in all that is good that we will see today and tomorrow and the next day. It is our Faith that keeps us strong when we are weak, it is our Faith that keeps us moving forward when we are weary, and it is our Faith that sees us through every storm, even when we do not see a way through.

At the same, without works or deeds, what good is our Faith? We can hope and pray and have Faith, but we also have to know that we have to do our part. We can't just sit idly by and wait for miracles to happen, for prayers to be answered, for God to show up and make everything better. Of course He can do all these things without us doing anything and many times will, but how does that help us to be better people, better Christians, better believers, better followers of Jesus Christ. We need to do our part, we need to do what God asks of us, we need to be obedient to His word and we need to do good works.

We need to remember that God blesses us each and every day and as He does, we have the opportunity to be a blessing to someone else. The question is then, are we??

God Bless
Pastor Mark

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