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Jesus is our Healer by John Hagee

Their rebellion and disobedience kept them from entering into the Promised Land.

Jesus is our Healer by John Hagee
Matthew 21:22
And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive

Jesus is our Healer! Evidences of this fact are scattered throughout the New Testament. He reached to touch a leper, He smeared mud in blind eyes, He stuck His fingers in deaf ears…and they were healed. Jesus is exactly the same – yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He still heals!

So, why do many go without a healing? One simple answer zeroes in on unbelief. The writer of Hebrews cautioned the believers to beware of an “evil heart of unbelief” that might cause them to be “hardened through the deceitfulness of sin” (Hebrews 3:12-13). The children of Israel, because of their unbelief, were led astray to wander in the wilderness for forty years. Their rebellion and disobedience kept them from entering into the Promised Land.

James, the brother of Jesus, in his no-nonsense manner, said that a person who doubts should not expect to receive anything from the Lord (James 1:7-8). Indecisiveness, an inability to make up our minds, causes us to be unstable and wavering. Jesus was unable to do many mighty works in Nazareth because of their unbelief (Matthew 13:58). Their lack of faith tied His hands.

In the gospel of Mark, we read the story of a desolate father who came to Jesus. His son was possessed by a mute spirit that would seize him, throw him to the ground, and cause him to convulse and foam at the mouth. The father had taken the boy to the disciples, but they were unable to help him. If these men – who saw firsthand the miracles of Jesus, who looked into His face and asked the hard questions, who were sent out by Him – could not lay hold of healing for this boy, how can we do any better? But wait – there is hope!

The despairing father brought his child to Jesus and told him that the spirit often threw the boy into the fire or the water to try to completely destroy him (Mark 9:14-29). Sadly, the father looked to Jesus, “But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.”

Jesus already knew He could do anything, but he wanted this sad father to know, too. “If you can believe,” He told him, “all things are possible to him who believes.”

The desperate father, wanting to wholeheartedly believe but knowing there were gaps in his faith, cried out tearfully, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” And it was enough for Jesus. He rewarded the man’s mustard seed faith and healed his son. He will do it for us, too.


Heavenly Father, I believe that You heal. I believe that You are a miracle worker! But help me in my unbelief. I confess that I struggle with doubt sometimes, with unbelief. Please forgive me. Steady me. Help me to pray with faith, believing for the answers every time. In Jesus’ name…amen.

Today's Bible Reading:

Old Testament

Judges 13:1-14:20

New Testament

John 1:29-51

Psalms & Proverbs

Psalm 102:1-28

Proverbs 14:15-16

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