You Can Have a Ministry of Appreciation by Rick Warren

Radical gratitude means you’re going to walk through life being grateful in every situation, no matter what — in times of plenty, when times are tight, when times are good, bad, right, wrong, whatever.

You Can Have a Ministry of Appreciation by Rick Warren
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:29 NIV).

Radical gratitude means you’re going to walk through life being grateful in every situation, no matter what — in times of plenty, when times are tight, when times are good, bad, right, wrong, whatever. You can develop an attitude of gratitude by choosing to be grateful in every situation. The attitude of radical gratitude actually serves others. It becomes a ministry.

Every believer is a minister. You are a minister! Every Christian is a minister, which means we are to serve other people. We’re saved to serve. You can have a ministry called the ministry of appreciation.

Do you know what the word “appreciation” means? If you’ve ever bought a car, you know the meaning of depreciation. The moment you drive it off the lot, it’s worth less than you paid for it, even if it’s a brand-new vehicle. Depreciation means to decrease in value. Appreciation means to raise in value — and it is a ministry.

When you appreciate your husband, you raise his value. When you appreciate your wife, you raise her value. When you appreciate your kids, you raise their value. When you appreciate your co-workers, you raise their value to you and to the company. When you appreciate your boss, you raise his or her value.

The ministry of appreciation raises the value of people. That’s why God says radical gratitude is a ministry. You can make a ministry out of raising the value of people simply by appreciating them.

One of the things I’ve discovered is that everybody in life needs massive doses of encouragement. I’ve never met anybody who’s said, “Oh no! I don’t need a compliment! I have too many. Please, stop! I’m too affirmed. Don’t give me any more.” You have an unqualified need to be affirmed, to be loved, to be appreciated — and so does everybody else. If you want to be used by God, here’s one way: Affirm everybody. Appreciate everybody. Show gratitude to everybody.

Talk It Over

How does it feel when someone shows appreciation to you?
What are some ways you can show appreciation besides speaking?
How have other people’s appreciation and affirmation drawn you closer to God?

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Arinola O. Yinka

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